I assume, Bob, that you are what you consider a good 'Christian' person, eh? If that's a fair characterisation, I'm curious how you (personally) square the Stoic philosophy of Epictitus with the highest tenets of brotherly Christian charity? Is there no conflict therein for you? Can one be a 'good Christian' and a follower of Stoicism simultaneously, with no categorical conflict implicit therein?...just curious.
I recently ran across an interesting expostulation by Annie Holmquist, whch you may view here: https://www.intellectualtakeout.org/laughing-at-times-to-come/_1/ It seems to submit that it is entirely within the bounds of reason to do so (subsume Stoicism into Christian belief in God's infinite mercy, etc.).
Interestingly, German-American Christian existentialist philosopher and Lutheran Protestant theologian Paul Tillich also had much to say about the seeming contextual polarity that bears on this seeming dichotomy: https://digitalcommons.sacredheart.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1029&context=rel_theses