Well, as I understand things, Bob, even many Buddhist monks demand Hi-Q WiFi these days. To recall Aristotalian platitudes, there's the famous advice to always seek the 'Golden Mean'. That's reflected in the ancient Chinese wisdom that admonishes "Never empty a cup to its dregs" (or words to that effect) that wifie is always hitting me over the head with. Balance, moderation is ever a much better stance to take in life than an extreme to any degree.
One of the chief problems as I see it, concerning youthful 'immoderation', is that youth is a time of passions, raging hormones, sensory 'terra incognita' and seeking of limits. Only time and experience (and the gradual assertion of wise reflection over raging passions) seems to be the medicinal amelioration that corrects and smooths out this turbulent period of early human development. Those that survive the tests of this early phase, usually straighten up and fly right (as we used to say in the USAF).
Is this a rephrasing of the popular observation by Nietzsche that 'whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger'? More food for thoughtful mastication...munch, munch. :)