Your chosen image is, as they would say in that froggy land across the seas, ‘très amusant’. It appears to demonstrate that even in the other land across the channel from the froggy one (a ‘foggy place’, actually) they’ve updated the traditional fox hunt (evidence the mufti and velocipedes for scarlet coats and equine mounts, although it’s still a bloody, savage sport). I couldn’t agree more wholeheartedly with your expressed sentiments about ‘Neva’ (and all her canine cohorts & relatives…i.e. wolves). There is something magical, near-mystical about dogs and their Lupine ancestors and the role they play in guiding us all-too-often afraid, lonely, insecure and ever-questioning humming beans through the minefield of emotional desolation called life. People sometimes accuse me of being something of a misanthrope in out attitudes and outlooks towards my fellow beings, but for my money, I’ll take dogs over people any day, any time and anywhere. Dogs do not start wars, they don’t send hate mail or mail bombs, can’t be bought off with cheap blandishments (well, perhaps steaks excepted), or betray their fellow four-footed peers, and they also don’t kill others over religious beliefs! I rescue Siberian Husky dogs and have dedicated the major part of my life to sharing existence with those delightful ‘near-wolves’ (instead of human kids) and after my first adopted ‘paw-pal’, I’ve never looked back. As Sam Clemens famously said, “If dogs don’t go to Heaven, I want to go where they go when I die!” Amen, Sam!